Displaying items by tag: Shout! Factory

All right, today’s post was meant to go live yesterday, but we had some server glitches and crashed that took us offline for a while. As such, we’re playing catch up a little bit today. But we’ve expanded the post with today’s news and reviews so. So here we go…

First up, Tim Salmons has turned in his thoughts on Vincent Ward’s Vigil, now available in a new Special Edition Blu-ray from Arrow Video, as well as Scream Factory’s In the Mouth of Madness: Collector’s Edition. Also, David Steigman has taken a look at on Arrow’s The Case of the Scorpion’s Tale: Special Edition on Blu-ray, along with Cleopatra Entertainment’s China Salesman. And Dennis Seuling has reviewed Fredric Hobbs’s Godmonster of Indian Flats on Blu-ray from AGFA and Something Weird Video, as well as 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment’s Love, Simon on Blu-ray.

Now then... Prime Day was a little bit of a disaster yesterday, what with Amazon.com having all kind of outages. But the good news is that they’re having a special sale today for Prime members on many great 4K titles. They have over 175 great titles for just $15 each today! Act quick if you want to take advantage via this link. (Doing so will help support our work here at The Bits and we appreciate it!) [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

We kick things off today with four new Blu-ray reviews, starting with Tim’s look at Don Coscarelli’s The Beastmaster (1982) now on all-region Blu-ray from Aussie distributor Umbrella Entertainment.

Also today, we have another Blu-ray review from new Bits staff reviewer David Steigman, who’s taken a look at Richard Quine’s My Sister Eileen (1955) from Twilight Time. David is a longtime cinephile who’s been watching films since the mid-1970s and has previously written reviews for the websites DVD Drive-In and EuroCult AV. He’s a big fan of the classic Godzilla films as well as other monster movies. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, Erlinda, and works in marketing when he’s not reviewing movies.

We also have two new Blu-ray reviews from new staff reviewer Dennis Seuling, who’s offered his thoughts on the Warner Archive’s new Seven Brides for Seven Brothers: Special Edition (1954) as well as Universal’s Blockers. Dennis has been an avid film fan since he marveled at The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms as a kid. For over 25 years, he was the Film and Home Entertainment Reviewer for The Villadom Times, a New Jersey weekly newspaper, and has written for several other publications including the website Next Projection. He’s also developed and taught a Film Studies program for two New York City high schools.

On behalf of all of us here at The Digital Bits, as well as our readers, we’re very glad to welcome both David and Dennis to the team here! [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, today is kind of a big day on the 4K Ultra HD announcement front, so let’s get right to it...

First up, Disney and Marvel have just officially confirmed that Avengers: Infinity War will street on Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD on 8/14 – just as we predicted – with the Digital release planned for 7/31. You’ll get over two hours worth of extras, including featurettes, a gag reel, deleted scenes, and audio commentary with the filmmakers. The Digital edition will include an exclusive 30-minute roundtable with MCU directors Joe and Anthony Russo, James Gunn, Ryan Coogler, Peyton Reed, Jon Favreau, Joss Whedon, and Taika Waititi. You can see the official cover artwork at left and also below.

Also, you know how we’ve been telling you since April that Disney and Marvel would be releasing The Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron on 4K Ultra HD concurrently with Infinity War on 8/14? Sure enough... both Zavvi and Best Buy have now begun taking pre-orders for them. Consider them confirmed and you can see the official cover artwork below. [Editor’s Note: Disney has now officially confirmed the 8/14 4K Ultra HD release of The Avengers and The Avengers: Age of Ultron with The Avengers: Infinity War. Audio is confirmed to be Dolby Atmos on all three. Waiting to hear back on HDR.] [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, we’ve got a couple of announcements today...

First up, Kino Lorber has added William Friedkin’s Good Times (1967) to its upcoming Blu-ray and DVD release slate. Look for the title to join their Studio Classics line on 9/25. They also have The Trip to Bountiful (1985) coming to Blu-ray and DVD the same day.

Shout! Factory has just revealed that Get Shorty (1995) is coming to Blu-ray as a Shout Select Collector’s Edition in October. Extras are TBA.

Retail sources are reporting that Universal’s The Big Lebowski 4K Ultra HD has shifted to October from July, with Ridley Scott’s Robin Hood now set for September. We’ll see. In any case, we’ve updated our 4K Ultra HD Release List here at The Bits accordingly. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, yesterday’s My Two Cents post apparently got corrupted somehow after we posted it. So we’re going to cover much of the same ground today, plus a lot more.

We start things off (again) today with another new Blu-ray review from Tim Salmons. He’s taken a look at the new 3-disc The Last House on the Left: Limited Edition Blu-ray set from director Wes Craven and our friends at Arrow Video. Sounds like it’s pretty damn solid, so do give it a look.

In announcement news, Shout! Factory has unveiled some great new Blu-ray titles, including a Dragnet: Collector’s Edition (street date 10/30) and The Man in the Iron Mask: 20th Anniversary Edition (due 10/9), both as Shout Select releases. The extras are TBA.

Meanwhile, their Scream Factory label chimes in with a House on Haunted Hill: Collector’s Edition (the 1999 film obviously) which is due to street on 10/9. Extras are TBA, but material from the previous DVD release will carry over. Look also for The Wasp Woman (10/30), a Trick ’r Treat: Collector’s Edition (10/9), The Bride (1985) and an Exorcist II: The Heretic – Collector’s Edition (both on 9/25). [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

We’ve got another new Blu-ray review for you today... Tim has taken a look at Severin Film’s Zombie 3 on Blu-ray Disc. Do give it a look.

Also today, I’m working on a bunch more reviews. On deck are A Wrinkle in Time, Tomb Raider (2018), Pacific Rim Uprising, Fury, and Escape Plan. Then I’m got a nice little batch of great Blu-ray 3D titles I want to take a look for you from the 3-D Film Archive.

And yes, I’ve heard you. After my post yesterday, I got about 100 emails and messages from Bits readers asking me NOT to skip reviewing Disney and Pixar’s The Incredibles in 4K Ultra HD. So for you guys, I’ll make an exception and try to get it posted as soon as I can.

If news posts this week get a little slim, that’s why. I’m really going to try and crank some of these reviews out as quickly as I can. And I want to spend some time with these 3-D titles. So keep checking back. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, I posted my in-depth review of HBO’s new Game of Thrones: The Complete First Season in 4K Ultra HD last night here at The Bits. I’m really surprised at how good it looks. Way better than I expected given the production resolution. It’s a genuine upgrade over the previous Blu-ray release in terms of A/V quality, so I recommend that fans give it a look.

We’ve got more 4K reviews coming soon and we’re also going to be taking a look at some interesting recent Blu-ray 3D titles thanks to our friends at the 3-D Film Archive. So be sure to watch for those.

One note however: We will probably not be reviewing Disney and Pixar’s The Incredibles in 4K Ultra HD. I picked up a copy of the disc this morning, and have found it to offer a modest (but definite) image and sound improvement over the previous Blu-ray release – probably enough for fans to want to make the upgrade. Note that it has Dolby Vision, HDR10, and Dolby Atmos audio. But Disney chose not to send this title for out review and we have a good number of titles to cover here that the studios (Disney included) have sent out for our consideration. With limited time at our disposal, we feel that we should focus our attenion on those. Just FYI. But if you’re a fan of the film, you might want to check the 4K edition out and Best Buy does have mighty nice exclusive Steelbook packaging. So there you go. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents
Wednesday, 30 May 2018 12:50

On Someone with Foresight & Recent Releases

Sometimes it’s wonderful to find someone who hails from the same planet as you. I go to film festivals and am always pleased to find intelligent, well dressed and conversant people on subjects close to my heart. These folks, somewhat like yours truly, are professionals, go to work every day, raise families and live contemplative and productive lives. And, well, like a fool such as I, love, as Pauline Kael once said, “when the lights go down.”

I’ve been extremely lucky – I’ve had mentors and friends who have done their dead level best to educate me in the ways of the world while also sharing their deep and abiding love for everything silver and screen. [Read on here...]

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