My Two Cents

Displaying items by tag: Warner Archive Collection

Wednesday, 29 October 2014 14:00

Burnt Offerings for October 29, 2014

Over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed an alarming increase in the number of MOD titles that are simply re-releases of out-of-print discs and a decrease in the number of never-before-released movies. We’re probably going to be seeing a lot more of that, unfortunately. But at least this week, there are a few brand new Most Wanted picks making their overdue DVD debuts. Let’s take a gander at them and at a special all-scary-movie edition of Wide Awake In Streamland for your Halloween viewing pleasure. [Read on here...]

Tuesday, 21 October 2014 14:15

Burnt Offerings for October 21, 2014

Last week’s Burnt Offerings fell victim to the Dreaded Deadline Doom, so my apologies to regular readers of this column, if any. This week is a little light on new releases but I’ll try to scrounge up some interesting morsels just the same. As ever and always shall be, please channel your shopping cyberdollars through the little banners seen below and accept our gratitude for helping support The Bits. [Read on here...]

Tuesday, 30 September 2014 11:24

Burnt Offerings for September 30, 2014

This is going to be a quick one this week, thanks primarily to the studios for their usual end-of-month slowdown. But we’ll still take a look at the few new MOD releases and offer a glance at any interesting islands in the streams. I apologize for that last joke, it was beneath us both. As always, click on the banners below if you see anything that strikes your fancy and you’ll be helping to support our work here and earning a hearty handclasp from Bill Hunt next time you run into him. [Read on here...]

Tuesday, 23 September 2014 14:01

Burnt Offerings for September 23, 2014

If it’s Tuesday, this must be Belgium. Belgium, of course, being code for our weekly look at new MOD DVD releases and interesting titles currently available on various streaming services. You see, it’s wordy. You can understand why we shortened it to “Belgium”. Anyhoo, clicking on the banners below whisks you away to a glorious world of e-commerce. Shop and support and we thank you most sincerely. [Read on here...]

Tuesday, 09 September 2014 15:05

Burnt Offerings for September 9, 2014

We’ve gone through a few quiet (and, indeed, dead) weeks here at Burnt Offerings recently. That all changes today with a bumper crop of new releases from almost all of the studios (except for MGM and, honestly, at this point let’s just stick a fork in them). So let’s take a gander at the latest in MOD and, needless to say, if you choose to buy a couple via the banners below, we’d be much obliged.  [Read on here…]

Tuesday, 26 August 2014 14:30

Burnt Offerings for August 26, 2014

If last week was a slow one for new MOD releases, this week is downright stagnant. There are just two new titles from Warner Archive and they’re this week’s Little Lebowski Urban Achievers. But fans of a certain Boston detective will be happy and, if nothing else, it won’t take you long to read this column.

Banners, click, shop, support, thanks.  [Read on here...]

Tuesday, 19 August 2014 11:34

Burnt Offerings for August 19, 2014

This isn’t a huge week for MOD releases but it’s a good one for fans of 1970s cult cinema. And we’re all fans of 1970s cult cinema around these parts, right? I thought so. Let’s take a look and thank you in advance for assisting The Bits by doing your DVD shopping via the array of buttons you see right… about… here.  [Actually just a little farther. Click here...]

Wednesday, 06 August 2014 13:17

Burnt Offerings for August 6, 2014

Welcome back to your weekly look at the world of hand-tossed artisan DVDs, baked fresh for your enjoyment. This week, Warner Archive reintroduces us to comedian Joe E. Brown and the Sony Choice Collection unleashes its August lineup. Let’s take a look and if anything strikes your fancy, please click on one of the banners below to get that disc out of your dreams and into your cart. It helps support The Bits and we thank you for it. [Read on here...]

Tuesday, 29 July 2014 11:08

Burnt Offerings for July 29, 2014

First of all, let me apologize for missing virtually the entire month of July. Too much to do, not enough time to do it, you know how it goes. The good news is that Burnt Offerings is back just in time to check out a bumper crop of new MOD releases, including a couple of long-desired cult TV offerings. Without further ado, let’s dive right in. If you must have further ado, why not click through the banners and buy a few discs, which naturally helps support The Bits. Thanks muchly! [Read on here...]

Tuesday, 01 July 2014 12:28

Burnt Offerings for July 1, 2014

Things have been quiet on the MOD front these last couple of weeks, so this week’s Burnt Offerings is taking a look at this week’s new releases as well as the titles that came back into print last week from Warner Archive. As ever, these stylish and clickable banners will whisk you away to the shopping portal of your choice where your buying power helps fuel our work here at The Bits. Our appreciation runs deep. [Read on here...]

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