My Two Cents

Displaying items by tag: The Digital Bits

As promised, we’ve got some good stuff here at The Bits for you today…

First up, our own Bud Elder has checked in with a new View from the Cheap Seats column in which he muses on alternate film casting and also runs down some of the more interesting home video releases on Blu-ray, DVD and DVD-R.  Don’t miss it!

I’ve turned in a combo review of 20th Century Fox’s Homeland: Seasons One and Two on Blu-ray.  It’s one of my favorite series currently on TV – a brilliantly cast, acted and written spy drama that won last year’s Emmy for Best Drama Series – and its third season debuts this coming Sunday night on Showtime.  If you’re not watching it already, I strongly encourage you to give it a look.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

So I had this whole news update post planned for today, along with Bud’s new View from the Cheap Seats column and a new Blu-ray review or two as well, and I was deep in the process of getting it all ready to go live on the site, when something happened that completely distracted me.

I figured I’d share it with you guys this afternoon, because it goes right to my cinema geek credibility.  And I knew that some of you would appreciate it as much as I do.  [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, first up today, our own Joe Marchese has posted a review of Criterion’s The Blob on Blu-ray!  Nothing like a B-movie classic given A-list special edition treatment.  Read on and enjoy!

Also, our own Russell Hammond has just updated the Release Dates & Artwork section with all the latest Blu-ray, DVD and Video Game cover artwork and pre-order links.  As always, a portion of anything you order from Amazon after clicking through our links goes to help support our work here at The Bits and we greatly appreciate it.

In announcement news today, Well Go USA Entertainment has just set IP Man: The Final Fight for release on Blu-ray and DVD on 11/12 (SRP $29.98 and $24.98).  Extras will include a making of featurette, 11 cast and crew interviews and both the U.S. and international trailers.  [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, we’re starting the new week with a bunch of odds and ends to report in terms of announcement news...

First up, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has set The Simpsons: The Sixteenth Season for Blu-ray and DVD release on 12/3 (SRP $59.99 and $49.98).  See the cover artwork below.

Warner Home Video has set Shameless: The Complete Third Season on Blu-ray and DVD on 12/17 (SRP $49.99 and $39.98).  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

The big release news today is that Disney has just officially set The Lone Ranger for Blu-ray Combo and Digital release on 12/17.  Extras will include a blooper reel, a deleted scene and 3 behind-the-scenes featurettes (totaling about 32 minutes – Riding the Rails of The Lone Ranger, Armies’ Western Road Trip and Becoming a Cowboy).  You’ll find the final official cover artwork below.

PBS Distribution has announced an American Experience: War of the Worlds DVD release on 11/29, honoring the 75th anniversary of the original Orson Welles / Mercury Theater radio broadcast on 10/30.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

We’ve got some cool stuff for you today, Bits readers!

First up, we have a trio of Blu-ray reviews for you.  Dr. Jahnke has upgraded his reviews of a pair of cheesy horror/sci-fi films on Blu-ray, including Midnight Legacy’s Alien 2: On Earth and FUNimation’s Alien vs. Ninja.  Told you they were cheesy.

Also, Tim Salmons has checked in with an in-depth review of 1428 Films’ fantastic new Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th documentary on Blu-ray/DVD Combo.  It’s SEVEN HOURS of Friday the 13th behind-the-scenes goodness, and how can any self-respecting slasher film fan pass that up?  Enjoy!  [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

The Wizard of Oz will celebrate its 75th Anniversary in style, remastered and converted into 3D.

For a one-week engagement beginning September 20th, The Wizard of Oz will be shown with impressive visual details never before seen and in a spectacular 3D format.  One of the best places to see this new vision of the film is at the TCL Chinese Theatre where it originally premiered back in 1939.  [Read on here...]

Published in Inside Cinema

We’re kicking things off today with a review of the Blu-ray 3D experience of Star Trek Into Darkness from our own Jeff Kleist, for those of you who have 3D-capable home theater systems.

In announcement news today, Shout! and Scream Factory have set Night of the Comet for release on Blu-ray Combo on 11/19.  Check out this list of extras they’ve compiled: audio commentary with writer/director Thom Eberhardt, audio commentary with stars Kelli Maroney and Catherine Mary Stewart, audio commentary with production designer John Muto, 3 featurettes (Valley Girls at the End of the World, The Last Man on Earth? and Curse of the Comet), a stills gallery and the film’s theatrical trailer.  Not bad!  [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

Afternoon, all.  We’ve got a couple things for you today…

First, the good Dr. Jahnke has turned in a couple newly-upgraded classic Blu-ray reviews from The Original Bits for you to read today.  In this case, it’s a pair of excellent Shout! Factory titles from the Roger Corman catalog – Piranha and Starcrash.  Enjoy!

Also today, our own Russell Hammond has just posted this week’s Release Dates & Artwork update with all the latest Blu-ray, DVD and Video Game cover artwork and pre-order links.  As always, a portion of anything you order from Amazon after clicking through to them from our links goes to help support our work here at The Bits and we surely do appreciate it.

Now then… we’ve got some announcement news for you today…  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

Morning, folks!  Well… I’m off to the dentist today, so this post is going to be a quick one.  However… we do have a couple fun things for you here at The Bits this morning.

First, our own Tim Salmons has turned in another Criterion Blu-ray Disc review, and this one’s a classic: 1923’s Safety Last! starring Harold Lloyd.  Enjoy!   [Read on here…]

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