View from the Cheap Seats

Displaying items by tag: Shout! Factory

Yes, it’s true!

This is information I first heard from industry insiders about six months ago, but was asked to keep quiet about to allow the work to be completed. But retailers are just now starting to catch wind of it, so I can unofficially confirm it here:

Warner Bros. Home Entertainment is planning to release Superman II, Superman III, and Superman IV: The Quest for Peace in 4K Ultra HD in early 2023!

Superman II will include both the original theatrical version and the Richard Donner Cut.

Our sources suggest that—like Superman: The Movie in 4K—all three of these will feature Dolby Vision HDR and Dolby Atmos audio, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Street date is still TBA on these officially, however we’ve been hearing Q2 2023, and Amazon UK has just leaked a 3 April street date for Superman III on their website (click here for that).

Do keep in mind that none of this should be considered 100% kosher and official until the studio makes their actual announcements in the weeks and months ahead. But Superman fans should be very happy around April of next year. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

We’re starting things off this week with several more new disc reviews and LOTS of announcement news! First up, those reviews...

Stephen has taken an in-depth look at John Carpenter’s supernatural horror classic The Fog (1980) in 4K Ultra HD from Scream Factory, and we have separate reviews for both the wide-release Collector’s Edition and the Steelbook version as well.

Stephen has also offered his thoughts on Taika Waititi’s latest MCU installment, Thor: Love and Thunder, in 4K Ultra HD from Marvel and Disney.

Meanwhile, Dennis has turned in his take on a pair of classic films on Blu-ray, including Sydney Salkow’s Twice Told Tales (1963) starring Vincent Price from Kino Lorber Studio Classics and also John Cromwell’s Abe Lincoln in Illinois (1940) from the Warner Archive Collection.

And Tim has delivered a look at Warner and DC’s long-awaited Deluxe Edition of the animated Batman: The Long Halloween (2021) as well as Random Space Media’s import 4K/Blu-ray 3D double feature of Jumanji: The Next Level (2019) and Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017).

As always, more reviews are on the way for tomorrow and all this week, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for them. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

We’ve got a big title announcement to report on today, but first another new disc review...

Stephen has turned in his thoughts on Mamoru Hosoda’s Belle: Collector’s Edition in 4K Ultra HD from GKids via Shout! Factory. It sounds like a pretty incredible collection of content, both disc and swag-based, so it’s well worth a look for fans of anime and this particular film.

Speaking of animation, Criterion has just dropped something of a surprise: They’ve licensed Pixar’s WALL•E from Disney and will be releasing it as a 4K UHD + Blu-ray combo title on 11/22, with both Dolby Vision HDR (which was not available on the previous Disney 4K release) and HDR10, as well as Dolby Atmos audio.

The package will include both existing and new special features. You can see the cover artwork at left and also below. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

We’ve got only a quick news update for you today, as we’re busy working on more new disc reviews. Speaking of which...

Stephen has just posted his thoughts on Hirokazu Kore-eda’s Air Doll (2009) on Blu-ray from Dekanalog via Vinegar Syndrome.

More Blu-ray and 4K UHD reviews are definitely on the way.

Now then, the big news this afternoon is that Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution has officially announced that Taika Waititi’s latest Marvel Cinematic Universe entry, Thor: Love and Thunder, will arrive on Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD on 9/27. The Digital and Disney+ streaming release is set for 9/8. As always, the 4K will feature Dolby Atmos audio and HDR10 high dynamic range. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, sorry for the lack of an update over the last couple of days. We’ve been very busy here at the site, working on reviews, preparing for some big upcoming reviews, and finishing a few more site upgrades. But the major reason is that there’s a ton of breaking and evolving release news to cover, and getting to the bottom of it all—collating all the details, checking in with sources, confirming key pieces of release information—takes a huge amount of time. But I’m always up for a challenge.

Before we get to that, however, let’s share those disc reviews we’ve been working on over the past few days...

First up, I’ve posted my thoughts on John Milius’ Red Dawn (1984) from Shout! Factory and also Colin Trevorrow’s Jurassic World: Dominion (2022) from Universal, both in 4K Ultra HD.

Tim has delivered a look at Joel Schumacher’s Flatliners (1990) in 4K UHD from Arrow Video, as well as John Carpenter’s Escape from New York (1981) in 4K from Scream Factory.

Dennis has reviewed a number of regular Blu-ray titles in the last few days, including Lon Chaney: Before the Thousand Faces – Volume 2 from Undercrank Productions, Josh and Benny Safdie’s Daddy Longlegs (2009) from Criterion, and Jack Gold’s The Tenth Man (1988) and Ken Hughes’s The Trials of Oscar Wilde (1960) from Kino Lorber Studio Classics.

And finally, Stephen has delivered in-depth looks at Paul W.S. Anderson’s Event Horizon (1997)—a Steelbook release that’s getting hard to find here in the States—and Jeff Fowler’s Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022) both in 4K Ultra HD from Paramount, along with Michael Findlay’s Shriek of the Mutilated (1974) on Blu-ray from American Films via Vinegar Syndrome.

As always more disc reviews are on the way in the coming days. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

We’ve got a great new disc review for you this afternoon, and we’ve got some significant release news to report as well. First up, that review...

Tim has just turned in his in-depth look at Rod Serling’s Night Gallery: Season Two (1971-1972) on Blu-ray from Kino Lorber Studio Classics as expected. Sounds like it’s another great release that’s loaded with special features, including audio commentary on many episodes. Don’t miss it.

Now then... file this in the “better late than never” category, but Universal has finally made their Blu-ray, DVD, 4K Ultra HD, and Digital release of Colin Treverrow’s Jurassic World: Dominion official, and it is indeed expected to street next Tuesday (8/16). Extras on the Blu-ray SKUs will include the Battle at Big Rock short film, the A New Breed of VFX featurette, and the multi-part Dinosaurs Among Us: Inside Jurassic World Dominion 45-minute documentary. You’ll also get both the Theatrical Version and a new 14-minute longer Extended Edition, which includes an alternate opening and more.

Both Blu-ray SKUs will include DTS-X object-based surround sound, and the 4K Ultra HD release will feature both HDR10 and Dolby Vision high dynamic range. You can see the cover artwork at left and also below. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, we’ve got some great catalog 4K Ultra HD news to report today, but first we have one more new review...

I spent some time this weekend looking at Stanley Kubrick’s landmark war film Paths of Glory (1957) thanks to a fine new 4K Ultra HD release from our friends at Kino Lorber Studio Classics. For the first time, the image has been scanned from the original camera negative in native 4K—Criterion’s 2010 Blu-ray release was only a 2K scan of a fine-grain master positive—so this is unquestionably the best the film has ever looked at home. It’s a beautiful presentation and not to be missed by Kubrick fans and cinephiles.

All right, now for that catalog news... VCI Entertainment has set Bob Clark’s Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things (1972) for release on 4K Ultra HD on 10/11 as a new 50th Anniversary Edition. The release will include a new video introduction and Q&A with actor Alan Ormsby, along with a new 90-minute documentary on Clark’s horror films called Dreaming of Death. You’ll get lots of legacy special features as well. And you can see the cover artwork below the break. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, sorry for the lack of an update yesterday, but I had a bunch of personal life stuff to take care of, as happens now and again. We’ve got some more disc reviews for you today, along with a bunch of good catalog 4K Ultra HD news. So let’s get to those reviews first, as always...

Stephen has turned in his thoughts on Moustapha Akkad’s The Message (1976) on 4K Ultra HD from Shout! Factory.

Dennis has offered his thoughts on Robert Z. Leonard’s Ziegfeld Girl (1941) on regular Blu-ray Disc from our friends at the Warner Archive Collection.

And Tim has checked in with a look at Nathan H. Juran’s The Brain from Planet Arous (1957) newly restored on Blu-ray from the good folks at The Film Detective.

All three titles are worth a look and more disc reviews are on the way.

Now then, we’ve got some 4K UHD announcement news for you today... [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

We’ve got no less than five new disc reviews for you all to enjoy today, with still more on the way…

Tim has reviewed Stephen Soderbergh’s Out of Sight (1998) on 4K Ultra HD from Kino Lorber Studio Classics, as well as Kenneth Branagh’s Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1994) on 4K Ultra HD from Arrow Video.

Dennis has offered his thoughts on David Lean’s Summertime (1955) on regular Blu-ray from the Criterion Collection.

And Stephen has taken a look at William Malone’s Scared to Death (1980) on Blu-ray from Vinegar Syndrome, as well as Luis Bunuel’s The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972) on import 4K Ultra HD from StudioCanal in the UK.

We’ve also got some significant new 4K Ultra HD catalog news today as well… [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, yesterday was a little crazy here at The Bits, what with Paramount finally dropping their long-awaited Star Trek 4K announcement. That deluxe Complete Adventure 4K package for the Star Trek: The Motion Picture – Director’s Edition was unexpected and frankly a fantastic surprise. But it’s worth a quick follow up today just to clarify everything...

The Star Trek: The Motion Picture – The Director’s Edition: The Complete Adventure Limited Edition is a 3-disc set here in the States that includes the DE in 4K, a newly-authored 4K of the previously-released Theatrical Cut as well as the Special Longer Version (included via seamless branching), and a Blu-ray full of bonus content that I’m told includes basically everything ever created and released for the film on home video. (I’m awaiting confirmation of the exact contents from the studio.) But it does NOT include a Blu-ray of the DE itself, nor are Blu-rays of the Theatrical and SLV versions included. The DE is available separately on Blu-ray, and obviously the Theatrical Cut Blu-ray was included in the original 4-Movie Collection from last year.

To be 100% clear, the Special Longer Version is ONLY going to be available in The Complete Adventure package, and producer David C. Fein has said that it’s a genuine limited edition. Much like Sony’s recent Ghostbusters: Ultimate Collection, it’s very likely to sell out in pre-orders, and it’s NOT going to be re-released. So if you were planning to wait for Black Friday to pick it up at a discount, or you’re expecting some future “ultimate” 4K box that includes the TNG films as well all The Complete Adventure content, you’re likely to be disappointed. The new 4K disc with both the Theatrical Cut and the Special Longer Version on it is exclusive to this set and when they’re gone, they’re gone. Be sure to plan accordingly.

[Editor’s Note: It appears that the UK version of this set MAY be a 5-disc set, which includes the Blu-rays of The Director’s Edition and the Theatrical Cut. And its discs should be all-region.]  [Read on here...]

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