The mysterious hitcher, unforgettably portrayed by Rutger Hauer, is a relentless slaughterer, preying on those who invite him into their lives. Somewhat dismissed at the time of its original theatrical release, THE HITCHER developed a rabid fan following in the ensuing years, now properly recognized as one of the most memorable and terrifying thrillers of the 1980s.
SPECIAL FEATURES – Audio commentary by director Robert Harmon and writer Eric Red, Bullseye: a new video interview with Robert Harmon, Theatrical Trailer
AUDIO SPECS – NEW DOLBY ATMOS MIX on both the 4K HDR UHD Blu-ray and the 1080p HD Blu-ray discs. Also contains the Original Dolby Stereo 2.0 theatrical audio track.
4K UHD HDR release SRP $24.99, Blu-ray release SRP $21.99
COLOR, 97 Minutes, RATED R
For those of you who may be wondering, note that this UHD release features the exact same new 4K scan and remaster that Second Sight is releasing in the UK on 9/30. And the new Blu-ray edition is mastered from this new scan as well. So if you’re looking for a more affordable option to purchase this title here in the States rather than importing it from the UK, now you have one available.
Here’s a look at the cover artwork (and yes, that is the film’s original one sheet key art). Amazon pre-orders will begin in the next few days (we’ll share the links as soon as they go live)…
Good news indeed!
Back tomorrow with our regular news update. Stay tuned...
(You can follow Bill on social media at these links: Twitter and Facebook)