My Two Cents
Monday, 20 April 2015 15:18

Blu-ray Review – Scream's new Mad Max: Collector's Edition

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[Editor’s Note: Be sure to like page on Facebook for breaking news, site updates on the go, discussion with our staff and other readers, giveaways and more!]

We’ve just posted an in-depth review of Scream Factory’s new Mad Max: Collector’s Edition, set to be released on Blu-ray on 5/5. Our own Tim Salmons’ has given the new edition a good going over for you all. The A/V quality is marginally different than the previous MGM Blu-ray (not really better or worse overall – just different), but the new extras are pretty terrific. It’s well worth a look, especially if you haven’t purchased the film on Blu-ray before. Those of you with the existing MGM BD release might have a tougher decision to make, but at $14 it’s not like buying the new edition and keeping both is going to break the bank. Anyway, enjoy the review!

Stay tuned... 

- Bill Hunt

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