My Two Cents

Displaying items by tag: Hannibal: Season Three

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I am very hard at work on my review of The X-Files: The Complete Series on Blu-ray, so today’s update will be brief.

But our own Tim Salmons has turned in his Pick-Ups thoughts on Lionsgate’s outstanding Hannibal: Season Three on Blu-ray, complete with a superb batch of special features produced by our own friend Cliff Stephenson. Don’t miss it!  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

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We’re kicking things off today with another new Blu-ray review. This one is a little unusual and should be more than a little interesting for Star Trek fans: It’s my look at Prelude to Axanar on Blu-ray, the 2014 proof-of-concept short film directed by Christian Gossett and produced by Alec Peters that launched the effort to produce the full Axanar feature film (to be directed by Robert Meyer Burnett and co-written by yours truly). Prelude to Axanar is now available on Blu-ray but ONLY as a perk for contributing $35 to the Axanar IndieGoGo campaign. You won’t find it in stores. But if you love Star Trek on Blu-ray, it’s definitely a title you’re going to want to add to your collections. Be sure to read the review to learn more about it.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

[Editor’s Note: Be sure to like page on Facebook for breaking news, site updates on the go, discussion with our staff and other readers, giveaways and more!]

Comic-Con 2015 is a wrap and there’s plenty of good geek news to report for you today!

First though, our own Mario Boucher posted a new Inside Cinema column back on Thursday (in case you missed it) looking back at The Terminator films. Do check it out.

Now then... our Digital Bits Comic-Con panel went very well on Thursday afternoon! We had a packed room with lots of Bits readers asking great questions about Blu-ray. Our friend Charles de Lauzirika revealed that he’s officially working on the forthcoming Blu-ray of Ridley Scott’s The Martian. Cliff Stephenson is busy working on the Hannibal: Season Three Blu-ray for Lionsgate. And of course Robert Meyer Burnett has just completed the Prelude to Axanar Blu-ray for backers of that project on Kickstarter. Rob is also working with executive producer Alec Peters and myself on the full Star Trek: Axanar feature film – Rob is going to direct the film and I’m co-writing it with Alec. (As it happens, Charles de Lauzirika is helping to produce the film, and Cliff is going to produce the forthcoming Blu-ray special features, so quite literally everyone on our Bits panel is involved in the Axanar project.) You can view the project’s IndieGoGo page here (it launched during Comic-Con). More on that in a moment. As the panel wound on, we discussed the future of Blu-ray and indie studio releases on the format, we talked a little about Ultra HD Blu-ray (we’ll have more on that later this month), and we took questions from the audience. [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

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