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We’ll be back with more later, but this is just a quick early post to let you all know that Amazon now has their pre-orders pages up for Warner’s The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies – Extended Edition on Blu-ray 3D Combo, Blu-ray, and DVD (SRP $54.98, $35.99, and $34.99), as well as The Hobbit Trilogy: Extended Edition on regular Blu-ray (SRP $99.98). [Read on here…]
Pages are NOT up yet for The Hobbit Trilogy: Extended Edition on DVD or Blu-ray 3D. We’ll add those covers and links when they become available. Meanwhile, here’s what the other versions look like (click on the artwork to visit the pre-order pages for each)…

Meanwhile, we also now have a new trailer for Fathom’s nationwide The Hobbit Trilogy: Extended Edition screening event in October that provides your first look at The Battle of the Five Armies: Extended Edition. Here it is...
Stay tuned…
- Bill Hunt