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We’re closing out the week with just a couple of things for you…
First, HBO has revealed the details on its 10/6 Blu-ray and DVD release of The Leftovers: The Complete First Season (SRP $44.96/$39.98). You’ll get all 10 episodes, plus audio commentary on the pilot and finale, and 4 featurettes (Making The Leftovers, I Remember: A Season One Conversation with Damon Lindelof and Tom Perrotta, Secrets of the Guilty Remnant, and Beyond the Book: A Look Ahead at Season 2). [Read on here…]
Also today, Criterion’s Mister Johnson and Moonrise Kingdom Blu-ray (announced yesterday) is finally available for pre-order on Amazon but the rest of the titles have yet to go up there – as of the time I post this at least. We’ll update you when they do.
Meanwhile, we have final cover artwork for many of those upcoming Warner Home Video TV Blu-ray releases, plus The Leftovers…

And that’s all for today. We’ll be back on Monday with a big new History, Legacy & Showmanship column from our own Michael Coate and more.
Happy Father’s Day (on Sunday) to all you dads out there, and have a great weekend!
- Bill Hunt