My Two Cents

Displaying items by tag: Halloween Hangover 2015

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All right, yesterday was a busy one. Seems like I can either get an in-depth Blu-ray review done, or a daily column, but sometimes not both! I went for the Blu-ray review, as you can probably guess, and the result was my look at Disney’s new Aladdin: Diamond Edition. The disc arrived in stores yesterday. Going through the previous Platinum Edition DVD item by item, to confirm what was on the Blu-ray and what wasn’t (most of it did carry over), took forever. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the review and if you decide to purchase the disc, please consider ordering through our Amazon links.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

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Given that this is Columbus Day here in the States, announcement news is a little bit thin today. But we do have a pair of new Blu-ray reviews for you.

Tim has posted his latest Halloween Hangover review, featuring Scream Factory’s Tales from the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight – Collector’s Edition, which arrives on Blu-ray next week (on 10/20). I’ve also posted my thoughts on Disney’s Tomorrowland, which streets on Blu-ray and DVD tomorrow. And if you check back tomorrow, I’ll have another Disney Blu-ray review featuring the Aladdin: Diamond Edition, which also hits stores tomorrow. So be sure to check back for that.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

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Here at The Bits today, we’re rounding out the week with a pair of new Blu-ray reviews. Tim Salmons has turned in his latest Halloween Hangover review of Scream Factory’s The Sentinel on Blu-ray. And Jim Hemphill has a look a Twilight Time’s The World of Henry Orient on Blu-ray. Both discs are now available. Meanwhile, if you check back on Monday, I should have my review of Disney’s Aladdin: Diamond Edition on Blu-ray for you as well.  [Read on here…]

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