Stephen Bjork
Stephen Bjork is a passionate fan of anything and everything related to the film medium, from production to exhibition, and of home theatre as well. Like many children of his generation, he grew up on a steady diet of Willis O’Brien, Ray Harryhausen, and Eiji Tsuburaya, until a little movie came along in 1977 called Star Wars, and cinema changed from being a pastime into an obsession. He devoured as many books and magazines about special effects as he could find, and that gradually evolved into a serious study of film theory and practice. He continued to study film independently while working in various capacities in the video rental industry, ending up as a District Manager for the Video Update chain during the Nineties. He probably ran into Bill Hunt at a VSDA convention back in that era, with neither of them having any clue that they would end up working together decades later.
When the writing was on the wall for the video rental business at the end of the Nineties, Bjork switched to selling high-end audio and video gear for Audio King. As a long-time home theatre fan who bought his first surround sound receiver back in the mid-Eighties, it was an easy move. Even after leaving that business a couple of years later, he still kept tabs on the industry. He’s followed the growth the hobby since the days of VHS Hi-Fi and basic Dolby surround, and currently sports a native 4K projector and a full 7.2.4 Dolby Atmos setup in the Casa Bjork Home theatre. As an avid reader of The Digital Bits for many, many years, it was perhaps inevitable that he would eventually cross paths with Bill Hunt again, along with the rest of the gang at the Bits.
Bjork currently lives in western Wisconsin near the St. Croix River, along with his wife Eve and his dogs Raimi & Romero. (Yes, he’s a nerd’s nerd.)
You can follow Stephen on social media at these links: Twitter and Facebook, and Letterboxd