created 12/15/97. |

added: 4/13/00
Wars: Episode I
The Phantom Menace
Import - 1999 (2000) - Lucasfilm, Ltd./20th Century Fox
by Bill Hunt, editor of The Digital Bits

Rating: C
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio): B/A+
Specs and Features
133 mins (per listing on disc jacket), PG, letterboxed widescreen
(2.35:1), 2 discs (3 sides), 40 chapters, all sides CLV (Extended
Play), languages: English (DD 5.1 EX & matrixed PCM 2.0),
subtitles: Japanese (LD-G format), Closed Captioned |
long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."
At long last, after more than four years of waiting, excuses,
delays and a highly successful
Wars on DVD Campaign, the day many of us have hoped for is
here. A Star Wars film is
finally being released on DVD. And if it's not any of the original
trilogy, at least we know they're coming… right? As Fox and
Lucasfilm say right on the back of this two-disc set's packaging, "Begin
your Star Wars DVD collection
with Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom
Menace." Be sure to read
behind-the-scenes coverage of this DVD release for more on
Lucas' future DVD plans. In the meantime, Episode
I is what we've got. So let's take a closer look.
Lucas takes us back to where it all began in The
Phantom Menace. The Old Republic is beginning a steady
decline. The greedy Trade Federation is putting the economic pinch
on the peaceful planet of Naboo with a massive military blockade.
Queen Amidala (Natalie Portman) is none too pleased with this
arrangement, and has appealed to the Supreme Chancellor of the
Republic for help. As the movie starts, the Chancellor has
dispatched a pair of Jedi Knights (Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice
Obi-Wan Kenobi, played by Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor) to settle
the dispute. When the negotiations go south, the Jedi must find a
way to protect Amidala, and save the people of Naboo. Naturally,
their task will not be easy. There's plenty of evil afoot, courtesy
of the vile Sith Lord and all-around galactic rabble-rouser Darth
Sidious, not to mention his rather nasty saber-wielding apprentice,
Darth Maul. And along the way, our heroes will meet characters new
and old, who will play a significant part in the rest of the Star
Wars saga - C-3P0, R2-D2, Yoda, Jedi Master Mace Windu,
and of course, young Anakin Skywalker.
Given all the years of waiting by the fans, and more hype than has
ever been seen for one film in the history of cinema, there is
almost no way that Episode I
could have met such lofty expectations. But the deal is this - The
Phantom Menace works. If you're looking to find flaws in
the film, there are PLENTY there. Yes, some of the dialogue is
tin-ear flat. Episode I also
moves slower than a Jawa Sandcrawler at times, partly because
there's just so much groundwork that needs to be laid for not just
the original Trilogy, but the
ENTIRE six film Saga. And I do
wish that Darth Maul had been more deliciously evil. Right off the
bat in Star Wars, we saw Vader
kill someone with his bare hands. The guy was a bad-ass. Maul is
clearly bad too. I mean, come on… he looks like the Devil. And
when the saber dueling starts, he's magnificent to behold. But he
doesn't get to be really bad on-screen until very late in the film,
which I think is a missed opportunity. My last criticism, is that
you don't really get emotionally invested in these characters, so
that when the big climaxes happen, they don't have the impact you'd
All that aside, I thought the acting was, well... not okay, but not
terrible either. Nobody REALLY gets to act in a Star
Wars film. It's tough to emote when you're standing in a
room of blue screens, fighting an enemy that will be added later
digitally. But when it comes to talented actors going through the
motions, what you get here is adequate. Liam Neeson is solid and
likable as Qui-Gon - you really couldn't have cast such a noble Jedi
any better. Ewan McGregor absolutely nails Alec Guiness's mannerisms
as Ben Kenobi - I completely believed that I was looking at the same
character, only years younger. And I'll watch Natalie Portman in any
film - I think she's one of the best young female actors in show
business (just watch Luc Besson's Leon:
The Professional if you're not yet convinced).
The thing I find most interesting about this film, is that you
watch it knowing that none of these characters are going to
ultimately have happy endings. That's not giving away the plot of
the film - anyone who knows anything about Star
Wars, knows that Amidala dies sometime around the time
she gives birth to Luke and Liea, and all of the Jedi are one day
wiped out except Ben, who becomes a hermit on Tatooine, and Yoda,
who hides on Dagobah. We already know that Senator Palpatine
eventually becomes the Emperor and overthrows the Republic, and that
sweet young Anakin will ultimately turn to the Dark Side - the
future Darth Vader himself. Given that the ultimate fate of these
people is already set in stone, the very fact that Lucas manages to
tell their stories in a way that seems at least somewhat fresh and
new, and gives us plenty of interesting things to see along the way,
is a major feat in itself.
As for the action here, it's first-rate... what little there is. If
you think you've seen good lightsaber dueling in the original films,
after you see Episode I,
you'll realize that the duels we've seen before have been
practically geriatric. Make no mistake - Jedi in their prime can
kick some serious ass. The sabers clash fast and furious. And the
special effects in this film are like nothing you've even seen
before. When I saw Jurassic Park,
I remember thinking that if they can bring dinosaurs back to life on
film, anything is possible. Well in Episode
I, George and company show us exactly what that anything
can look like. Each and every shot is filled with eye candy. The
vistas are incredible. Sure, some of the CGI creatures are hokey.
Okay, a lot of them are hokey. But despite all the critics, even Jar
Jar Binks works, once you get used to the idea of a talking, 7-foot,
Rastafarian salamander with ears like Goofy. He's annoying for about
the first 10 minutes, but then you get used to it and he's fine. You
can't understand him a lot of the time, but you can when it counts.
We never understood Chewbacca either, and it didn't matter, did it?
Remember, the key to Star Wars
is suspension of disbelief. And hey... almost ANYTHING is better
than Ewoks. Don't even get me started.
I think at least part of the problem with Episode
I lies with all of us. As kids, we all went nuts for the
original films years ago. But now we're adults. And we have adult
expectations of a film series that was never really meant for just
adults in the first place. If you adjust your expectations
accordingly, this is a movie that is completely easy to enjoy. I
remember very fondly the sense of being whisked into a whole other
world, that I experienced seeing the original Star
Wars in the theaters. As a ten-year-old, way back in
1977, that event had a very powerful effect on my rather active
imagination. I was simply a different person after that day - with
my eyes open a little wider to the wonders of film, and the universe
as a whole. I know that a lot of you out there can relate. It's not
exaggerating things to say that a whole generation of young
film-goers was affected by Star Wars.
So what a joy it is to be able to recapture even a little bit of
that feeling, all these years later. The moment the Star
Wars logo crashed on-screen, and John Williams'
astounding fanfare blasted throughout the theater... well, I'm sure
I'm not the only one who felt the chills. The critics may find fault
with Lucas's tin ear for dialogue, but no one can fault his vision,
or his imagination. It is nothing short of completely amazing.
Now let's talk about this new laserdisc version of the film from
Pioneer. Sadly, until Lucas sees fit to grace us with a DVD, this is
as good as Episode I is going
to get at home. What's more depressing, is that the vast majority of
people aren't even going to get the film looking this good. That's
because this laserdisc is a Japanese import, only available via
special order from your better home theater dealers (at the hefty
price of about $110). And a domestic release to LD here in the
States isn't in the plans. Ouch.
So how does the disc look? Well... fine for laserdisc, I suppose.
But it definitely isn't first-rate video, even by LD standards. The
letterboxed widescreen picture isn't in the same ballpark as Image's
Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition
LD boxed set. There's plenty of detail here in the brighter picture
areas and there's rich color, but there's also some edge-enhancement
and NTSC artifacts visible. The contrast seems a bit off - the
blacks are a little too black, and lacking in detail. In addition,
the color seems just a hair over-saturated at times, and there's
plenty of bleeding. Flesh tones also appear a touch red-shifted,
even after a quick recalibration of my equipment with the LD version
of Video Essentials. Just to
be sure, I swapped this disc out and looked at the Star
Wars: SE laserdisc, and sure enough, that looked fine.
That's not to say this disc looks bad... but it's not as good
looking as it should be.
The English-only audio, on the other hand, is outstanding. This is
the most active Dolby Digital 5.1 sound field I've heard on
laserdisc (or even DVD for that matter) since Saving
Private Ryan (note that systems equipped for Dolby
Digital EX should be able to matrix 6.1 sound from this track). The
podrace sequence is thunderous, with aggressive bass and lots of
seamless panning effects from channel to channel. This is a very
atmospheric mix, with plenty of rear speaker trickery. It's
completely enveloping and spacious, with a nicely wide soundfield
and great depth. Dialogue is clearly presented across the front of
the sound stage, and John William's score has simply never sounded
better. The PCM 2.0 soundtrack is adequate for what it is, but with
5.1 sound this good, why bother?
As with most laserdiscs, you don't get much in the way of extras.
In fact, here you get nothing. Unless you count the fact that the
Japanese subtitles are presented on this release in LD-G (Laserdisc
Graphics) mode, so if you have a newer laserdisc player, you might
be able to turn the subs off. I can't, unfortunately, but the subs
never intrude upon the picture, remaining underneath in the bottom
black bar of the letterbox. Since it's a Japanese release, the
English subs we all saw in the theaters here in the States (when
aliens like Watto talk) aren't there. The disc IS closed captioned
in English, but the captions appear over the subs (making them hard
to read unless you can turn the subs off) and they don't include the
alien language translation unfortunately. I would have liked to see
at least the teaser and theatrical trailers for this film appear on
the disc (as they do on the aforementioned Trilogy:
SE LD set), but no dice. What you do get is a nice
looking folding jacket, with the image above on the front, a picture
of the Naboo skyline inside (with chapter stops listed in Japanese)
and an image from the podrace sequence on the back (with more specs
in Japanese).
Am I glad to own this laserdisc? Yeah... I suppose I am. Until the
DVD arrives, it's the best quality in which you can experience this
film at home. The sound alone is worth having the disc in my mind,
but I'm not sure it justifies the high price. And since this disc is
an import, it's going to be almost impossible for most people to get
their hands on it. They're aren't even that many available on Ebay.
Still... if this is the best we can get, I'm certainly glad I don't
have to settle for VHS. I wonder how long it'll be before Hong Kong
pirates master a bootleg DVD from this? Betcha they're working on it
even as you read this...
Bill Hunt |